Author Archives: gero - Seiten 21

New Year’s Resolutions 2012 Vlog

I just noticed that I had totally forgotten to post my latest vlog on my blog – so here goes: My two resolutions for the new year 2012 – spending time and effort on making new videos, while at the same time spending time and effort on my new „hobby“.

Technological Review 2011

… and a happy new year! 🙂

No Stairway to 3D

Test video filmed with my Nintendo 3DS in 3D – converted with Daku93’s 3DS Video Converter to side-by-side. Let’s see if we can make this work as a 3D video on YouTube, so humble mortals could watch it with red/green anaglyph glasses. (Currently still needs yt3d:enable=LR.)

Amazon Kindle Fire – Einsatz und Usability

Mein dritter Blog zum selbstimportierten Amazon Kindle Fire beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach der Alltagstauglichkeit des Geräts. Ist es hinreichend gut benutzbar, oder habe ich 223 € in den Sand gesetzt? Kann der Fire das iPad ersetzen oder den Gerätepark zumindest sinnvoll ergänzen? Diese und andere Fragen erörtere ich in nachfolgendem Beitrag.

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Kindle Fire: Keyboard Layouts – SOLVED!

Again in English – a short German version can be found below.

I think I’m the first who found out about this, so I just love to share this with the world:The Kindle Fire indeed supports various international keyboard layouts – and even without rooting! This effectively fixes the trouble that a lot of people have with the presumably English-only keyboard layout with that stupid „Quickfix“ word recommendation scheme that currently can not be disabled due to a bug.

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